Kol Ami — The Northern Virginia Reconstructionist Community

Welcome to High Holidays at Kol Ami 2017

 A Message from our Rabbi

Welcome to our congregation.  We invite you to join us for High Holidays and lift your spirits with music, reflections, prayer and poetry.  Kol Ami is a warm place to find your Jewish soul, a small and accepting community of folks who have been searching for intimacy and depth in their spiritual lives.

Gates of Repentance, embroidery by Rachel Braun.  Used gratefully with permission.

Our theme this year is “Ptach lanu shaar” — Open a Gate for Us.  The image of the gates of heaven is, of course, a focal point of the final Neilah service on Yom Kippur.  But opening the gates is also a potent a metaphor for opening our hearts, opening ourselves up to compassion, opening up our authentic selves to become ever more effective and present in the world this coming year.  What gates do you wish to open in your own life? What new challenges, internal or external, do you dream of taking on?

Come daven/pray with us, sing with us, and walk with us through the best of our traditional liturgy and thought-provoking modern responses.

Shanah tovah u-metukah / A good, sweet year ahead,

Rabbi Gilah

High Holiday Information and Registration


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