Kol Ami — The Northern Virginia Reconstructionist Community

Shabbat Morning Service

Kabbalat Shabbat
December 11, 2021    
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Kabbalat Shabbat
The joys of Hanukkah now behind us, we have an opportunity for more enjoyable time together this coming Shabbat. Please join co-leaders Richard Ruth and Jim North for our morning service. (We had hoped to be in person again, but, as we work more on all the moving pieces that come with attempting hybrid services, we’ll be on Zoom this week.)

The Torah portion this week is Vayigash (“He approached”), where the saga of Joseph and his brothers concludes with them approaching each other in reconciliation and shared purpose after their years of bitter separation. Surely an important story for our own turbulent times! Look forward to music, prayer, Torah study, and time together in community. No latkes or jelly donuts until next year, though. We’ll be using our Shabbat siddur (prayer book).


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