Kol Ami — The Northern Virginia Reconstructionist Community


Kol Ami is extremely grateful for the support of our friends and members through their talents, energies, and financial donations. Without your help, our congregation’s work would not be possible.  To make a donation:

  1. First, please enter the amount you wish to donate in the box shown below.
  2. Second, tell us the reason for your donation by clicking the drop-down button to
    the right of the text that reads “Give where it is most needed.” You will see
    several options, so pick the one that best suits.
  3. Third, a comments section is provided on the next screen where you enter your
    credit card or bank transfer information. Use this section to enter the name(s) of
    those you wish to remember with this donation.

In addition, there are options shown below for making this a one-time or recurring donation, as well as for donating by credit card or bank transfer.

If you prefer to send a check, please send it to : PO Box 1801  Annandale, VA 22003. In this case, please specify any tribute or request in the memo line.

Again, we are so very thankful for your donation and support.

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