Kol Ami — The Northern Virginia Reconstructionist Community

Tikkun Olam: K.A.R.E. Project

Kol Ami Refugee Engagement Project

Kol Ami’s K.A.R.E. project launched at Rosh Hashanah 2022 and continues. 

We need you and hope you’ll be a part of it.

Kol Ami has made a commitment through the K.A.R.E.  project to support some Afghan Refugees who have settled in our area. These new neighbors helped serve the US in their old home country and are working hard to begin again here.  It is not easy to start over but, with support, they are striding forward.  Their needs are many as they navigate this path – from housing and transportation needs, learning a new language, to legal issues.  Sometimes just a friendly face is important.  This is where we come in.

Our K.A.R.E.  project has partnered with different organizations, such as NoVaRAFT (Resettling Afghan Families Together) and LCC (Lutheran Church Charities) and accomplished much.  Here is just a sample of what we do:

  • gather and distribute outerwear
  • took families to food distribution center
  • took families shopping and paid for food and other necessities
  • took families to medical appointments
  • working with NoVaRAFT and LCC monitored ongoing housing issues, for one family, making sure that rents and utilities were paid and that an existing lease could be renewed
  • coordinated meetings and translations with lawyers on immigration matters
  • assisted in ESL classes
  • assisted with resume writing
  • And more and we need your help!!

Our team is small and needs to grow. We want to create a solid funding scheme for our KARE project. If you have fund raising skill or skill in financial literacy, you are needed.  We are also looking for people who can help on an as needed basis, this may include, driving a family to a doctor’s appointment or a local food bank.  There’s no minimum (or maximum) time commitment and actual tasks will be worked out with you and our new friends as we go along. If you are interested in joining, please contact our coordinator, at .

Support the K.A.R.E. today through a donation below.

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