Our main service and our family service for children 7 and under both begin 10 a.m. Prayers in the sanctuary will be led by Rabbi Gilah, Hazzan Jim, and David Friedman. Our children’s services are led by Ari Jacobson. In our Torah service, our community Torah readers will be chanting the passage from Deuteronomy that beings, “You are standing here together today;” our discussion groups will use that as a starting point for further exploration of the ties that bind us in the Jewish community and the challenges we face.
The service concludes with Yizkor prayers starting at 12:30, as we recall the memories of loved ones, and share in the loss and remembrances together. If you would like to have your loved ones memorialized in the Yizkor slideshow, please click here; submissions are due by Oct. 6.
Following a break, at 2:30 p.m. Rabbi Gilah will lead an afternoon discussion about the Book of Jonah. Traditionally read on Yom Kippur, the theme of universal forgiveness yields new meanings each year.
A break-fast will follow, to which everyone is invited. Kol Ami will provide bagels and schmear; please bring along a potluck dish, dessert, or beverage if you’re able. Thank you to Dawn and Sam Fratrin for coordinating.
For the full schedule of High Holiday services, please click HERE. Please register as early as possible – HERE.
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