Kol Ami — The Northern Virginia Reconstructionist Community

Kabbalat Shabbat Hosting Instructions

Thank you for volunteering to host Kabbalat Shabbat!

Responsibilities are split between four people. Your role is vital in creating a warm and welcoming environment for our community. We greatly appreciate your help in ensuring the service runs smoothly.

Help number: If the doors are locked, in case of an emergency, or if you need help for any other reason, call Felicita Wight at (727) 418-2936 or David Friedman at (202) 489-1842.

Challah Host:

Please check the Signup Genius for the number of people expected. Please bring one challah for up to a dozen people and a second if there are more. 

Main Dish Host:

Please coordinate with the Operations and Communication Manager, who will order the main dish, to pick up the food on Friday afternoon or accept delivery at the UUCA at the specified time. 

Setup Host:

Please arrive 30 minutes before the service to begin setting up.

  • Retrieve the key for the closet from the top drawer of the reception desk in the UUCA upstairs lobby 
  • Unlock the closet; leave the key in the lock so others can access the closet easily. 

Items to Retrieve from the Closet

  • Ark: The presence of the ark and Torah helps to provide a Jewish atmosphere in the Activity Room. We recommend having two people move the ark.
  • Tablecloths: One for the “bimah” table (service leaders) and additional tablecloths for the dinner tables (food area and seating area)
  • Quilt for the “bimah” table
  • Kiddush Cart:  Includes candlesticks, candles, and matches (set these on the “bimah” table for the service leader). Please make sure you have sufficient large and small plates, plastic silverware, napkins, cups, grape juice, and tiny cups and a tray for kiddush. 
  • Book Cart with siddurim/prayerbooks
  • Baskets: Tallitot (prayer shawls), Kippot, Instruments (if the service leader wishes)
  • Tech Backpack: Contains computer, camera, and mic for the Zoom gabbai



  • Instructions for the security system and responding to a false alarm are in the orange bag on a hook on the wall near the closet door and outlet. 
  • Our SimpliSafe® security system has three components: 
    • Base unit (plugged in next to the light switch and closet door). Place this small white tower out of the way in the Activity Room on a raised, level surface. Be sure to plug it back in when you return it after services. 
    • Panic buttons (orange bag in closet). One for the service leader and one for you.
    • Keypad (orange bag hanging on the wall next to the closet door). Turn it on before the service and off afterward. 
    • To call the alarm company in an emergency, hold the panic button for at least 2 seconds. 

Setting Up

  • Place the ark in the niche behind the “bimah” table. 
  • Set up the “bimah” table with the tablecloth, quilt, candlesticks, candles, and matches.
  • Cover the kiddush tables with tablecloths. Set out plates, silverware, cups, napkins, and a tray with tiny cups for kiddush.
  • Arrange food and drinks on the buffet tables. 
  • Ensure the tech equipment is ready for the Zoom gabbai.

Kiddush Preparation

  • Toward the end of the service, pour grape juice into small cups and place them on tray for passing out during the kiddush.
  • Set the challah on a challah tray, cover with one of the challah covers on the cart. 

Clean-Up, Tablecloths and Lock-Up Host: 

After the service and dinner

  • Wash serving utensils and any bowls/trays used from the closet. 
  • Return all items to their proper places in the closet. 
  • No need to fold chairs or move tables.
  • Lock the closet and return the key to the reception desk upstairs
  • Take home any tablecloths that have food or stains, launder them, and bring them back to the closet.

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