Kol Ami — The Northern Virginia Reconstructionist Community

Adult Talmud Study

December 5, 2023    
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Ever wonder about the Talmud – the ancient Jewish compendium of law, philosophy, legends, rabbinic debates, and more? Kol Ami invites you to participate in an ongoing Talmud study group, lay-led once a month, facilitated twice a month by an experienced Talmud hand, Jacob Kelter. The group meets on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm for an hour. The group’s wide-ranging discussions are friendly and welcoming, and our stance is pro-women and LGBT-affirmative. No prior Talmud/Jewish background needed!  If you’d like to read summaries of the material to be discussed each week, sign up for My Jewish Learning’s Daily Dose of Talmud in your email box.  To obtain the Zoom link, please email our coordinator at .

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