Kol Ami — The Northern Virginia Reconstructionist Community

Faith and Political Polarization

October 29, 2023    
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm

In Person @ UUCA

Just what roles does faith play in the political and cultural schisms that beset our society? Is it a cause of the problem? Or is it a potential antidote? And most importantly, what can we, as people of faith or members of faith communities, do to confront these issues?

Kol Ami is pleased to co-sponsor a fascinating afternoon organized by the Jewish-Islamic Dialogue Society, Braver Angels, and the Rumi Forum. It will be kicked off by presentations by Ibrahim Anli, Exec. Director of the Rumi Forum and a member of the Braver Angels Scholars Council, and Sofi Hersher Andorsky, V.P. of Strategy and Communications at A More Perfect Union: The Jewish Partnership for Democracy. That will be followed by one-on-one conversations, small group discussions, and a return to plenary session for an action-oriented conclusion to the event.

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