Kol Ami — The Northern Virginia Reconstructionist Community

Shabbat Rosh Hodesh with Rabbi Jessica Shimberg

February 10, 2024    
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

We are delighted to host Rabbi Jessica Shimberg as guest clergy this Shabbat which falls on the new moon of Adar I.   Rabbi Jessica is a community rabbi, a spiritual guide, and ritual artist dedicated to enhancing the vibrancy of 21st century Judaism through experiential engagement.  Before becoming a rabbi and serving congregations in Ohio and Montana, Rabbi Jessica worked in family law, mediation, and refugee resettlement, and designed an initiative in the Ohio Supreme Court to improve collaboration between judges and directors of the public children services agency.  Rabbi Jessica’s “rabbinistry” has evolved around renewing a meaningful connection to Judaism for Jews who feel ambivalent about or even alienated from the Judaism of their youth.  With a background in political activism, she also finds deep meaning in the “Torah of the public square,” addressing social and environmental justice issues through a spiritual lens.  A potluck kiddush will follow the service at noon.

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