Kol Ami — The Northern Virginia Reconstructionist Community

Adult Education: Text Study with Rabbi Andrea Cohen-Kiener, “Conscious Community”

January 30, 2022    
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

This series will introduce the life and teachings of the Hasidic master, Rabbi Kalonymous Kalman Shapira, the “Piasechner Rebbe,” whose example inspired the Jewish population of the Warsaw Ghetto during World War 2. Our leader will be Rabbi Andrea Cohen Kiener, who translated Rabbi Shapira’s masterwork, “Conscious Community: A Guide to Inner Work”, into English.

Andrea Cohen-Kiener is a scholar, published author, practiced eco-activist, and the rabbi of Temple Israel Greenfield in Massachusetts. Parts 2 and 3 of this series will be held on February 13 and 20.

For Week One:  Read Conscious Community, p. 91-100


Where are each of us at with the components of conscious group work described in this chapter on Group Commitments and Advise?

How do we articulate our commitment to and the goals of spiritual work?

How do we deepen the values he mentions, including: love of fellows, humility, consistent return to practices?

What jumped out at you?

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