Kol Ami — The Northern Virginia Reconstructionist Community

Yom Kippur Morning Service & Torah Discussion

September 16, 2021    
10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Join Kol Ami on Zoom for a Yom Kippur morning service led by Rabbi Gilah Langner, Jim North, and Jane Petkofsky.  This first hour will offer many of the familiar prayers, including the Al Het confessional and the Great Aleinu.  The mix of traditional and modern prayers and melodies will bring us toward teshuvah/introspection and return, with subdued, powerful intention. Our Torah service begins at 11:15; the Torah discussion on “It is Not in Heaven” will be led by Dr. Richard Ruth and our Pizza and Talmud teens.  Join us to study and discuss, question and explore.

This service is part of Kol Ami’s larger schedule of High Holiday programming. Click HERE for registration information.

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