Learning the Morning Minyan Melodies
Kol Ami uses a mixture of traditional and contemporary tunes as well as the weekday nusach (the traditional Ashkenazi musical style for recitative prayers). Here is an outline of our usual service, with recordings by Rabbi Gilah. Page numbers refer to the Kol HaNeshamah Daily Siddur.
p. 3 Mah Tovu
p. 13 Love Thy Neighbor
p. 15 Morning Blessings
p. 23 Elohai Neshama
p. 45 Esa Einay Psalm 121
p. 47 Yevarechecha Psalm 128
p. 61 Psalm 150 Halleluyah
p. 67 Daily Barchu
p. 75 Ohr Hadash 3 Ways
p. 79 Ahavah Rabbah / We are Loved
p. 81 VeHaer Eineinu
p. 81 VaHavieinu L’Shalom
p. 83 Shma and V’Ahavta
p. 91 VaYomer (3rd Paragraph of the Shma)
p. 97 Mi Khamocha
p. 99 Amidah Weekday: 1st Blessing
p. 103 Amidah Weekday: 2nd Blessing
p. 105 Amidah Weekday: Kedushah
p. 169 Aleinu and she-Hu Noteh Shamayim
p. 361 Hallel Opening Blessings
p. 365 Hallel Psalm 114: B’tzeit and Mah Lecha HaYam
p. 371 Hallel Psalm 115
p. 377 Hallel Psalm 117 and Ki L’Olam Chasdo
p. 381 Hallel Pit-chu Li
p. 383,385 Od’cha, Ana, and Closing Blessing
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