Kol Ami — The Northern Virginia Reconstructionist Community

Where We Meet

Kol Ami holds most of its services and events at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington. Directions to this location are given below the map. We also sometimes gather at private homes. If you need directions to a member’s home, you may get them from the contact person listed for the event on our Schedule of Events. If you need additional assistance with directions, please email

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington

Located at 4444 Arlington Boulevard, Arlington, VA, on the corner of Arlington Boulevard (Rt. 50) and George Mason Drive.

Google Map Directions

Unless otherwise specified on the Calendar of Events, we meet in the Chapel on the lower level of UUCA. From the parking lot, enter on the upper level and take the stairs or elevator to the lower level.

From Washington: Take the Roosevelt Bridge to Rt. 50 west. Drive about 5 mi. Go up the exit ramp for George Mason Drive; cross over Rt. 50 and the Church is immediately on the right side of the road.

From the Beltway: Take Rt. 50 (Arlington Blvd.) east to George Mason Drive exit. Church is on the right. Or, take Rt. 66 east to the Glebe Rd. exit. Go south on Glebe Rd. to Wilson Blvd. Turn right on Wilson and go to George Mason Drive. Turn left (south) on George Mason and continue until you cross over Rt. 50. Church is on the right.

From Arlington, points north or south of the church: Travel to George Mason Drive and then head towards Rt. 50.

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